Wednesday, April 25, 2018


I have returned!

Supporting Life, I will be posting my "YOGA FOR LIFE" column which is pro-active Yoga that reflects as a living practice.  The columns published every week in the health section of the Highlands News Sun, are articles relating to self-awareness of our bodies, lengthening muscles, tissues, deep breath which is part of a Yoga practice integrated in to a daily lifestream to support health, healing and regeneration.  I have been a Yoga Instructor many years, I am a Journalist and author.

I am going to publish other info on contributing to a positive lifestyle and healing the planet which also means healing "Earthlings" i.e. contributing to positive views of life whatever our circumstances, cultural differences or beliefs, begin with an energy change within when we simple "smile" through whatever difficult circumstances that life presents. What else can we do--- become angry, resentful, take our anger out on others?  How does this attitude contribute to Life,

"WE ARE ALL EARTHINGS" brings to our attention that Earthling  is really WHO we are.  When the astronautts begin to build biospheres on other planets/astroids such as Mars...there will be cohabitation and "Martians" will be born.  Our great grandchildren will probably go to school with "Martians."

On employment applications when they ask the "races" (which no pure race exists and "Hispanic" on those applications is not even a "race")..we need to check off  "OTHER" and put down in the blank:  EARTHLINGS.

If you have pro-active solutions of interest to advance "Humanity" that is not addressed anywhere in the so-called "media," send those ideas to me and I will pursue,

Let's move forward as Earthlings.

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