PHOENIX , AZ – The citizens of Phoenix join in a coalition of immigration control groups to demand dignity and respect for America ’s most forgotten victims, those killed or maimed by illegal aliens. While many open border advocates march for amnesty legislation this week, pro-enforcement groups will perform a series of demonstrations to show the impact of mass illegal immigration by displaying “Stolen Lives Quilts” in front of media offices.
At each location members of United for a Sovereign America, BAN Amnesty Now, Arizonan’s for Immigration Reform, The Tea Party Immigration Coalition, American Freedom Riders, Arizona Rebel Alliance, ACU, The Remembrance Project, Riders USA, and Remember 1986 will we handing out invitations to the...
National Day of Remembrance Candlelight Vigil
on November 3rd at 5:30pm at Wesley Bowlin Park in Phoenix .
They will also be allocating a list of previous Arizona victims and demanding “no more killings.”
Rusty Childress, Founder of The Remember 1986 Coalition said “we need the media to cover not only the sob stories of illegal aliens, but of the separation of families through deadly selective enforcement practices.” “Fair and balanced journalism requires that both sides of the issue be publicly exposed,” he said.
Stolen Lives Quilts: this initiative gives a voice to the thousands of Americans whose lives have been stolen and who no longer have a voice. Through the Stolen Lives Quilts we continue to memorialize these lives stolen from our families, our friends, our communities, and our nation. The Quilt is a dignified visual for remembering and honoring these THESE UNNECESSARY VICTIMS:
Arizona’s Innocent Victims: 51 killed, 9 severely wounded
1. 4/23/1926 USBP Patrol Inspector William W. McKee shot & killed
2. 7/25/1926 USBP BP Inspector Lon Parker shot & killed
3. 1/2/1932 United States Customs Service Customs Officer Clyde Bristow shot & killed
4. 12/28/1940 United States Border Patrol BP Inspector George E. Pringle car wreck in pursuit
5. 4/8/1947 United States Customs Service Inspector Clarence Jewel Trask shot & killed
6. 1/6/1970 US Immigration and Naturalization Service Investigator William Phillips shot & killed
7. 4/24/1974 United States Customs Service Patrol Officer Charles HYPERLINK " 1999-patrol-officer-charles-j. -bokinskie%20"Bokinskie shot & killed
8. 4/24/1974 United States Customs Service Patrol Officer Louis David Dixon shot & killed
11. 4/14/1983 Ak-Chin Tribal Police Department Chief of Police Milton HYPERLINK " 1256-chief-of-police-milton- paul-antone%20"Antoneshot & killed
12. 2/21/1986 United States Customs Service Patrol Officer Glenn Miles, Sr. Shot &killed
13. 5/27/88 Phoenix Police Officer Kenneth L. HYPERLINK " 3265-police-officer-kenneth-l. -collings%20"CollingsHYPERLINK " 3265-police-officer-kenneth-l. -collings%20"*, 32 , shot & killed.
14. 3/28/1989 Oro Valley Police Department Detective Willis Henry HYPERLINK " 5663-detective-willis-henry- gravell%20"Gravell shot & killed 15. 6/14/1989 United States Border Patrol Air Operations HYPERLINK " 11340-air-operations- supervisor-david-f.-roberson% 20"SupvHYPERLINK " 11340-air-operations- supervisor-david-f.-roberson% 20"David Roberson plane crash while in pursuit
16. 1/8/91 Az DPS Sergeant Manuel HYPERLINK " 163-sergeant-manuel-hurtado- tapia%20"HurtadoHYPERLINK " 163-sergeant-manuel-hurtado- tapia%20"Tapia*, 41 Shot & killed
17. 6/30/94 DEA Special Agent Richard HYPERLINK " 671-special-agent-richard-e.- fass%20"FassHYPERLINK " 671-special-agent-richard-e.- fass%20"*37 Shot to death 18. 8/15/95 Az DPS Officer Robert K. Martin*57, shot to death
19. 6/3/1998 Az. BP Agent Alexander HYPERLINK " 15099-border-patrol-agent- alexander-sanderlieb-kirpnick% 20"Kirpnic, 27, shot & killed
21. 9/11/2001 Gary Bird 51, Tempe, killed in (WTC2)
22. 9/11/2001 Karol Ann Keasler, 42 Casa Grande, killed in (WTC)
22. 9/11/2001 Karol Ann Keasler, 42 Casa Grande, killed in (WTC)
23. 11/18/01 Tanee Natividad, 16, shot & killed
24. 6/16/02 Travis Alan Smith,19, Mesa. vehicular Homicide in Utah
25. 8/9/02 Az. Park Ranger Kristopher HYPERLINK " 16353-park-ranger-kristopher- william-eggle"EggleHYPERLINK " 16353-park-ranger-kristopher- william-eggle"*, 28, shot & killed. #
24. 6/16/02 Travis Alan Smith,19, Mesa. vehicular Homicide in Utah
25. 8/9/02 Az. Park Ranger Kristopher HYPERLINK "
26. 12/16/03 Az.BP Agent James Paul HYPERLINK " 17067-border-patrol-agent- james-paul-epling%20"EplingHYP ERLINK " 17067-border-patrol-agent- james-paul-epling%20"*,24 drowned while saving illegal
27. 10/16/04 James Lee, 75 killed when hit by truckload of illegals
28. 10/16/04 Emilia Lee, 71 killed when hit by truckload of illegals
29. 2/2/07 Laurie Lynn Lorenzen, 48 Mesa, (vehicular homicide)
30. 2/18/07 Michael Boulden 37 Phoenix,(hit/run)
30. 2/18/07 Michael Boulden 37 Phoenix,(hit/run)
31. 3/10/07 Robert Christopher Miller,20, killed by DUI 32.4/27/07 Susan Bieger-Sharkus, 53Tohono O Od’ham Res. (veh. homicide)
33. 6/20/07 Nanuma Lavulava,46 killed when illegal rammed MCSO deputy into traffic.
34. 7/18/07 Candice Reja Plumb, 22 Mesa, (gunshot to head)
34. 7/18/07 Candice Reja Plumb, 22 Mesa, (gunshot to head)
35. 9/18/2007 Phoenix PD Officer Nicki James (Nick) HYPERLINK " 19001-police-officer-nicki- james-%28nick%29-erfle%20"Erfl eHYPERLINK " 19001-police-officer-nicki- james-%28nick%29-erfle%20"*, 37 shot & killed
38. 11/15/08 Kelly, Tracy, 16, hit & killed by drunk illegal
40. 3/27/10 Robert Krentz, 58 Shot & killed
41. 5/12/2011 U.S. Border Patrol Agent Eduardo Rojas* struck by train while in pursuit
42. 5/12/2011 U.S. Border Patrol Agent Hector Clark* struck by train while in pursuit
43. 5/16/11 Anays Chenal Carimbocas, 4 Mesa (blunt force trauma)
44. 6/29/11 Tyler B. Webster, 18 Mesa, shot & killed
45. 6/29/11 Olek Wladyszewski, 19 Mesa, shot & killed
44. 6/29/11 Tyler B. Webster, 18 Mesa, shot & killed
45. 6/29/11 Olek Wladyszewski, 19 Mesa, shot & killed
46. 8/19/11 Kyle Ashton Wible, 20 hit & Run
47. 9/11/11 Daniel Pollack,31 hit & run
48. 5/28/12 Olivia Monet Wilson,17 Hit & killed
49. 4/2/13 Maria Saucedo 31 Aquila, AZ (shot in chest)
50. 5/19/13 Phoenix PD Officer Daryl HYPERLINK " 21784-police-officer-daryl- raetz"RaetzHYPERLINK " 21784-police-officer-daryl- raetz"*, 29 hit, run & killed
49. 4/2/13 Maria Saucedo 31 Aquila, AZ (shot in chest)
50. 5/19/13 Phoenix PD Officer Daryl HYPERLINK "
51. 7/3/2013 (name withheld at families request) Fatal Traffic Collision
1. 9/15/1997 Phoenix Police Officer Jim Kliewer, shot & wounded![*#:-S whew!]()
2. 9/15/1997 Phoenix Police Officer Jerry Kilgore, shot & wounded![*#:-S whew!]()
3. 12/27/1997 Phoenix Police Officer Brian Wilbur, seriously wounded by DUI![*#:-S whew!]()
4. 3/26/2001 Phoenix Police Officer Jason Schechterle, survived being severely burned. ![*#:-S whew!]()
5. 4/12/03 Phoenix PD Officer Robert Sitek. shot 4 times.![*#:-S whew!]()
6. 12/16/04 MCSO Deputy Sean Pearce, shot & wounded![*#:-S whew!]()
7. 12/16/04 MCSO Deputy Lew Argetsinger, shot & wounded![*#:-S whew!]()
8. 2006 Jason Okron, Decorated Army IOF Veteran, stabbed in his front yard![*#:-S whew!]()
9. 10/16/2007 Phoenix PD Officer Brett Glidewell, Shot & wounded![*#:-S whew!]()
How Safe Is the Rest of Arizona
Santana Batiz-Aceves, 39, who was dubbed the "Chandler Rapist," pleaded guilty to 12 counts in five separate assaults, including charges of child molestation, attempted sexual contact with a minor and aggravated assault.
The victims ranged in age from 12 to 15. Batiz-Aceves began living in the United States illegally in 1988
Aug. 2006
Lemus-Retana, Janitor, was charged with 7 felony counts of sexual assault of a minor 14yrs old at Saguaro High School.
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