Thursday, October 3, 2013

Oct 3, 2013: Fed 'Cooking Books" on Illegals per Border Patrol Union (anony. sender)

Exclusive: Border Patrol Union VP Says Feds 'Cooking Books' on Illegal Immigration
Shawn Moran, the Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, recently spoke out on behalf of U.S. Border Patrol agents who routinely risk their lives to keep our nation safe and our borders as secure as possible to Breitbart News.
"The politically-appointed class within the U.S. Border Patrol and in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency are cooking the books to make it appear that illegal immigration is decreasing,” Moran claimed.
People were told to get in line, and they’ve done a number of tricks to limit our effectiveness and our ability to accurately determine how many people are illegally entering the US, so that the numbers look ‘right,’” he said.

“It was late 2011 or early 2012 when the leadership in U.S. Border Patrol put out a specific memo declaring that we could no longer check buses unless we had specific actionable intelligence indicating illegal aliens would be on certain avenues of transportation,” Moran explained. “Even though this was one of the most productive ways for us, they said Border Patrol was no longer allowed to do the checks.”

Moran provided other examples, such as the leadership in Border Patrol actually altering the manner in which they record data. “Each station has an intel officer, they go out and they collect info on where people are crossing and how many.
"If we found footprints for 50 people, we would put that in the intel report and the numbers would be recorded,” he said. “Now if we put that number in, they reduce the number to thirty.
“Some of our advanced surveillance reveals that we are about 45% effective, meaning we are not even catching half of the illegal aliens or drug smugglers who enter our nation,” Moran claimed. “Now the politically-appointed leadership of U.S. Border Patrol and of U.S. Customs and Border Protection [BP’s parent agency] have effectively grounded that system of surveillance after the numbers did not match what their public numbers were.”
The shocking assertions from the National Border Patrol Council come just days after they released an explosive press release directed at their parent agency, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency. The release included assertions that Border Patrol agents' lives were being placed in jeopardy in order to appease “fringe” groups; that the U.S. Border Patrol and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency were keeping information from the public about the criminal histories of illegal aliens who make accusations against U.S. Border Patrol agents; and that the federal government was refusing to prosecute violent illegal aliens who attack U.S. law enforcement officers.
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