Article by Randy Hatch
I watched in horror the other day as Senator Jeff Flake declared on Fox News that the main reason that he supports going to war in Syria was to make sure the President didn't look bad in the eyes of the world. He went on to say that the world has to know that when our President speaks about anything, America must stand behind him.
Please tell me Senator Flake that you were just kidding!
This was the most shallow statement I have heard yet out of Congress regarding Syria. Senator Flake was saying we should bomb Syria just to make sure we don't embarrass the President. He gave no other reasons at least in this interview.
We wouldn't ever want to make our President feel ashamed or think twice about his actions now would we?
Has Senator Flake been alive these last 5 years? Has he already forgotten the 10 or so major scandals that this President has yet to come clean on including Fast and Furious in Arizona? Has he forgotten that less than one year ago Islamic Terrorists killed an American Ambassador and 3 others while destroying one of our embassies in Benghazi? The President promised early and swift retaliation for the "Extremists" who perpetrated those actions. Shouldn't Senator Flake hold the President accountable for those promises too?
And what about that 6 month illegal war the President waged by himself in Libya without Congressional approval, That action cost the American people billions of dollars. There are many things the President has said and done that Senator Flake and America should never support.
What about the Constitution Senator Flake? You uttered not one word in that interview about the U.S. constitution. Shouldn't constitutional authority be the most important authority when it comes to war? Is Senator Flake going to let the President get away with another illegal war on Syria if Congress votes "No" on the War Resolution?
The way a President looks in the eyes of the world should not even register on the chart of reasons as to whether or not American goes to war. We are talking about blood and treasure here, not about how somebody looks and feels. This decision should rest only with Congress who represent the American people and who under constitutional authority should vote on whether or not we go to war. Those same representatives should then face the consequences of that vote by the people who elect them.
For a variety of constitutional reasons that vote should be NO!

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