Thursday, August 15, 2013

Aug. 15, 2013 - Six Sheriffs reject Senate bill on immigration (Cincinnati Engquirer -anony. sender)

Food for thought:
AMERICANS HAVE HAD ENOUGH LIES; we demand “Attrition by Enforcement” period.
No more amnesties, no more comprehensive reform, no mas.
Read our lips, we do not have a “Broken” immigration system, what we have is a “Corrupt” system for lack of enforcement. The difference between “NO ENFORCEMENT” and the “FAUX BROKEN” hustle by devious politicians, Mexico and deep pocket special interest groups, is monumental. Compare their vociferous claim of illegal aliens in the shadows & the national demonstrations orchestrated by the very ones considered helpless in some corner of OBLIVIAN U.S.A. Demonstrators by the millions are advocated & encouraged by politicians with either no cojones, have sold out, have infiltrated our government, or perhaps all of the above. This is my America; it does not belong to politicians, it does not belong to special interest groups, and it clearly does not belong to illegal aliens. America is what it is because of our belief in God, because of our Judeo/Christian faith, because of our Constitution and our rule of law.
“Representation” of Americans at every level of government that’s what is broken.
ENFORCE our immigration laws, do your jobs and cease & desist political deception immediately.
That is the only “Comprehensive Reform” you insidious career politicians are allowed to entertain. “Si se puede”.

Sheriffs say border security should be priority
Janice Morse, The Cincinnati Enquirer 9:42 p.m. EDT August 14, 2013

Six sheriffs -- five from Ohio and one from North Carolina -- met with an aide to House Speaker John Boehner to voice their opposition to the Senate immigration reform proposal.

(Photo: Janice Morse, The Cincinnati Enquirer)

HAMILTON, Ohio -- "Secure the border first."

That's the mantra of Butler County Sheriff Rick Jones, known for his strong stance against illegal immigration.

On Wednesday, Jones and five other sheriffs – three from House Majority Leader John Boehner's home district – joined in a chorus of that mantra, sending what Jones called "a helluva strong message."

The six sheriffs jokingly agreed they might be dubbed, "the gang of six," a play on words referring to the "Gang of Eight" lawmakers who put together the comprehensive immigration-reform bill that the sheriffs oppose. The Senate passed that proposal, which the sheriffs say tries to do too much at once, without giving border-security the top priority it deserves.

The six sheriffs also say many more sheriffs across the nation agree with their opinion on the proposal.

"It's a bad piece of legislation," said Sam S. Page, sheriff of Rockingham County, N.C. He serves as co-vice-chairman of the National Sheriffs' Association's immigration committee. That group, in a position paper, says it recommends enforcing current immigration laws, tightening security at the northern and southern U.S. borders and increasing funding for local police to combat crimes that illegal aliens commit.

Page, Jones and their four cohorts spent about an hour in a closed-door meeting Wednesday with Ryan Day, district director for Boehner. They say Day assured them that Boehner agrees: Border security is paramount, along with "internal enforcement" of existing laws.

Boehner, in a letter to Jones, said he has spoken to many constituents in his home district and concluded: "The people of our region, like millions of other Americans nationwide, prefer that our nation's broken immigration system be fixed through a step-by-step, common-sense approach that starts with securing our borders and enforcing our laws."

Page joined Jones and four Ohio sheriffs – Toby Spence of Darke County, Jeff Gray of Mercer County, Mike Simpson of Preble County and Phil Plummer of Montgomery County – in presenting a united front on the issue to Boehner's aide.

Jones said Day told the group that "the speaker basically agrees with us," and would oppose the massive, Senate-backed immigration proposal.

Although immigration reform has been stalled in Congress for years, Jones thinks it's finally coming to a head and some real action is imminent.
Al Garza, Executive Director
Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council
Co-founder, Conservative Hispanics of America
Office Tel: (323) 952- HELP
Websites:, &

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