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I am posting these videos so people can get a clear understanding to the reasons The United States and Israel want to invade Syria. Understanding there are always reasons behind motives. Here are some to think about.
We all know the government in Syria is NOT killing it’s citizens. We all know the Syrian Arab Army is fighting terrorism sent in by the west, via Turkey, Iraq and Jordan borders and is funded by Qatar and Saudi. We all know Dr Bashar al-Assad is not some dictator like the US had tried to sell in the past. We all know this is a proxy war on Syria for greater global dominance, pushed by a country about the size of New Jersey… Israel
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and Israeli President Shimon Peres both attend a dinner Wednesday hosted by U.N
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and Israeli President Shimon Peres both attend a dinner Wednesday hosted by U.N
All these youtube channels upload information that is very useful to the public on a regular basis. All have a lot of knowledge in their subjects.
David Duke Speaking about the situation.
Stormcloudsgathering just did this video explaining what you’re not being told.
Former Governor & Navy Seal Jesse Ventura – interview on US government global tyranny…