Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28, 2013: "The Rubio Deception" - FURTHERMORE

The Rubio Deception

May 5, 2013

The Rubio Deception: Truth v Lies
The Immigration bill is constructed to deceive the public. And, does a good job of creating the false illusion of greater security. But Rubio’s claim of enforcement ‘triggers’ is a dishonest argument. His amnesty scheme is chock full of deception with many behind the scene maneuvers all designed to obfuscate truth. The bill makes America less safe, not more.
Rubio’s scheme allows illegal aliens to be legalized immediately. All at a huge cost to the US taxpayer [Note] and sovereignty of our nation. Like Obamacare, the legislation was crafted behind closed doors with pro-amnesty lobbyists, unions, immigration lawyers, and Progressive groups like La Raza and AFL-CIO representing illegal aliens. Groups that stand to make millions from this legislation.

The Gang of Eight prohibited anyone with a significantly different opinion on immigration reform from providing input. Law enforcement: border sheriffs, interior sheriffs, deputies and immigration agents, and the ICE Union President were all locked out of discussions.
The ‘de facto’ leader of the Gang of Eight and public face of immigration reform in the Senate leading the charge in convincing conservatives and TV and radio talking heads that Obama’s second-to-be signature achievement is both bipartisan and good for America; Marco Rubio. Every gang needs a leader.
Rubio’s Amnesty scheme is Obamacare Part Deux. Seemingly sexy slogans. Rubio is a smooth talker. Watch this video as he shims and shams. Like Obamacare, it’s all or nothing; several bills tied into one. The Bill is huge, complex and progressive. It is designed to serve politicians. Rubio makes many false claims, illusionary promises, cons and lies. This speech exemplifies Rubio’s deception.
Rubio’s “media offensive” con tour starts by trying to sell the idea his bill won’t give amnesty when, in fact, it is instant Amnesty. The term “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” (“CIR”) is a euphemism for an illegal alien amnesty and S.744, the 844-page bill he helped write rips up the Constitution for a falsely-framed EARNESTY RAINBOW. And, anyone who supports amnesty is NOT conservative.
To understand Rubio, you have to understand his Chief of Staff; a man by the name of Cesar Conda. Who is Cesar Conda? He’s a pro-amnesty immigration lawyer, who once worked as a DC lobbyist for the Association of Immigration Lawyers [video], mutual friend and close associate of fellow amnesty pusher Grover Norquist, who together have carried out their three-decade long Amnesty Jihad. Like Norquist, the amnesty pushers on the left like Cesar Conda.
Norquist, a corporate lobbyist and co-founder of the Islamic Institute, has had ties to CAIR, radical Islam, known terrorist financiers and unsavory relationships with Muslim activist for years. This video warrants particular scrutiny of Norquist, who actively promotes and advances the Islamic agenda. These are Norquist’s bedfellows; it’s why he actively petitioned support for the “Ground Zero Mosque” and it’s why he is very active in “Muslim outreach.”
Norquist is on the Advisory Board of The Hispanic Leadership Fund, member of the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR], Founder of Americans for Tax Reform [ATR] and good pal of felon Jack Abramoff and GOP stooge Karl Rove whose Crossroads GPS group has been a major donor to Norquist’s fund. Secret emails exclusively obtained by Breitbart News show the libertarian Cato Institute, Norquist’s ATR, and Rubio colluding on immigration reform “messaging” after the Boston Marathon bombing.
And, then there is Norquist’s lobbying on behalf of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Norquist’s primary interest in DC is Norquist. For his part, he is hitting the media trail attempting to combat what he calls the “bitter enders” who oppose the bill by trying to counteract the effect of “a handful of radio talk-show hosts who talk loudly.” Also assisting Rubio, Conda and Norquist in their Amnesty scheme is the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC], a Soros-backed group. SPLC’s history.
Cesar Conda sat on the Editorial Advisory Board with George Soros of the publication, The International Economy Magazine. He also actively worked to promote and advance Judge Sotomayor’s nomination. Conda was a lobbyist for the powerhouse private prisons GEO Group who supported open borders and government money for incarcerated and detained illegal aliens. He also lobbied for the US Chamber of Commerce. His paw prints also extend to the expensive bank bailouts, something Rubio claims he was against.
Conda is a domestic policy wonk. His government experience runs deep. In fact, Conda has weaved and bobbed between so many roles in Washington he was included in Roll Call’s “Fabulous Fifty” list of top congressional aides. He undertook policy roles spanning the 1996 Dole-Kemp to Mitt Romney’s 2008 Presidential Campaigns. Both Conda and Norquist worked together to destroy prop 187 in California in the 1990′s.
But, what also sets Rubio’s office apart is Cesar Conda’s supposed continued ties, major abuse of power, and financial relationship with his lobbying firm, Navigators Global. Navigators clients included GlaxoSmithKline, AT&T, Visa and Citigroup, which got $45 billion under the bank bailout. Rubio’s ties to K-Street are extensive. His deputy chief of staff, Sally Canfield, is a former lobbyist for Sanofi-Aventis, a French drug company.
And, from 1997 to 2005 Rubio himself, was a lobbyist. Consider what one of his most vocal critics said about him here, which likely put a halt to Romney selecting Rubio as VP candidate. Consider: City commissioner, lawyer, lobbyist, one-time GOP Party of Florida American Express card holder, top-echelon House leader and, ultimately, House Speaker, oh and Jeb Bush water boy. Florida is a corrupt state.
Like Conda, Rubio has amnesty as a core belief. He is John McCain with an ‘accent’; and without a military record of crashing planes. His past record is relevant. And, all you have to do is look at history. This page provides history of the efforts of Floridians to enact immigration enforcement legislation in the 2008 Florida Legislative Session. The result was that legislation was thwarted, at the time, by House Speaker Marco Rubio.
Rubio stalled and “blocked” all immigration enforcement bills in Florida stating: “There is nothing the state of Florida can do unilaterally to solve global warming. And there is nothing we can do unilaterally to solve immigration.” Rep. Juan Zapata, R-Miami and Miami Rep. David Rivera, the son of Cuban exiles, usually ran anti-enforcement interference for Speaker Rubio in the Florida House.
Fast forward.
Rubio’s Amnesty Scheme
Rubio’s shenanigans starts with the ‘deceptive messaging’ of ‘de facto’ amnesty. As Front Page Mag points out, there’s a big difference between not fully enforcing the law & legalizing a crime. Just as there is a difference between not arresting a drug dealer and legalizing heroin. A lack of proper enforcement is not ‘de facto’ amnesty. Amnesty is legalization.
Sadly, Rubio is PIMPING his ‘de facto Amnesty’ scheme on any TV and radio show he can including Univision and Telemundo. He will be featured in this TV ad running on Fox News now through May 9th as part of a $300,000 ad buy bought by The American Action Network, a group founded by former Sen. Norm Coleman and GOP donor and activist Fred Malek. Enough said.
And, this ad is from Mark Zuckerberg’s new “FWD.us” group; which draws scrutiny, even from Factcheck.org. Zuckerberg has a similar group making similar ads for a liberal audience. The advisory board of the shell “conservative” group includes Haley Barbour, former lobbyist for the government of Mexico, and several people linked to the ‘open border’ Bush family; Sally Bradshaw, former chief of staff to Jeb Bush; and Dan Senor and Joel Kaplan, former W. Bush advisers.
When it comes to illegal alien amnesty, Rubio spins like a North Eastern Liberal. This isn’t just an amnesty. It’s an INSTANT AMNESTY. The implications are scary if millions of foriegn invaders are pumped into the electorate. Rubio is complicit in actively assisting the Democrats in their biggest voter registration drive in history; 30 million illegal aliens is enough to create some 50 new congressional districts – primarily Democrat.
Rubio’s “messaging” is falsely advertised as a comprehensive reform to secure the border and strengthen the immigration laws before allowing legalization. This is blatant lie. Corrupted. Rubio is gift wrapping amnesty for Obama with the deliberate intent to deceive conservatives and Tea Partiers. After all, who else would throw a rally for Rubio in support of the bill at Rubio Headquaters? Yes, Barack Obama.
No Republican should use Obama’s malevolence as a baseline from which to craft public policy. Rubio is forcing Republicans to spend the next two decades arguing why poor Hispanic children shouldn’t have access to government benefits. Amnesty makes as much sense as rewarding a burglar with the stolen jewels. If you REWARD a criminal with his ill-gotten goods, expect more crime.
The much-ballyhooed “triggers” that Rubio is pushing don’t come into play until after illegal immigrants are given the ability to obtain legal status to live and work in the US. The bill is a lethal mix of legalistic trickery with on-off-switches that bureaucrats can flip at executive discretion. The bi-partisnan Center for Immigration Studies, goes as far as to say the penalties and enforcement provisions are ‘fake’.
In this video, Rubio pretends the states will enforce immigration laws. Rubio’s con game has no end. He says illegals will have to ‘get in line’. Guess what? The line is 19 years long. To clear it in ten years requires doubling the number of legal immigrants. And in Rubio’s scheme, the number of H1-B visas expand more than two-fold. Today, the US brings in 1.2 million ‘legal immigrants’ per year; more than rest of the world combined.
The language of the bill doesn’t come close to what Rubio says. Practically every Rubio claim is empty. The comprehensive effects from chain migration alone will bury the Republic. The bill establishes a New Americans Task Force charged with ensuring that federal programs “adequately address” the healthcare, education, and job training needs of new immigrants (Sec. 2524).
Once illegals gain provisional legal status, which is immediately, they’ll qualify for in-state tuition rates at public colleges, a subsidy funded by taxpayers (Sec. 2245D(d)). And even worse for fiscal conservatives, virtually all funding is classified “emergency” under the Statutory ‘Pay As You Go Act’ of 2010. Spending on food stamps, Head Start, housing subsidies, other benefits will expand, unlimited.
Rubio’s scheme would add an additional 33 million permanent workers via amnesty and future immigration in the first decade alone. Thirty three million is the equivalent of the top 20 most populated cities in the US. And, Sen. Sessions has uncovered a slick loophole that provides illegal aliens with guaranteed access to all welfare and entitlement programs. Oh, and Rubio’s scheme calls for: a national biometric database on all adult Americans. All this is what the media is not telling you.
But, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And Rubio has shown none. Zero. Meanwhile, fake conservative Tea Party Groups in Tampa and West Orlando, Florida are sprouting up in support of Rubio-Schumer’s plan. And, silence is consent for all other Tea Party groups. But, Rubio’s deceit marches on, now promoting a ‘fake’ 2X border fencing security amendment. Note to Marco. Your fake amendment is already law, mandated seven [7] years ago, in The Secure Fence Act of 2006

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